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This is our Online Pet Showing Points Table.
If you've placed each month, you'll automatically have received points for your placing. 

1st: 10 points - 2nd: 9 points - 3rd: 8 points - 4th: 7 points - 5th: 6 points - 6th: 5 points - 7th: 4 points - 8th: 3 points - 9th: 2 points - 10th: 1 point

Our Points Table runs bi-annually. At the end of the "bi-annual" year, our *TOP 10 competitors will receive a special rosette.
If you have any queries regarding your points, please contact as soon as possible.

*If you are drawing with another competitor, the person with the most 1st will place above, then 2nds etc.Only the first pet named will be awarded any points.
** Championships, DO NOT count towards totals.
 Second chance awards gain 1 point per each.

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